
吉尔 律师阅读(1974)

致知力行 继往开来





Introduction of jill Law Firm

Jill law fire 1s in Shwanxi Province and was founded in 1994 bsoxperienced lawyers, vhich was ratified by Chinese jndiciary, and is prorincial, coaprehensive forn of partnership.

The firn has a solld experionced tean of lawyers, rho satisfies tho need of different custoners in diverse ffelds. They have got Bual certificates: certified public accountants, enginecrs to nention but a few, and they ever worked in public security burcou, procuratorate, courts and judiciary. They have expert fron the school of lav as our consultant who vith his expertise put the theory into efficient praetice.

According to the specialities. lawyers are divided intodifferent specialized fiolds thatwork onconcept(ons of specialized divisions and teanvork. Jill law firm accents all project of lav sorvices unilaterally, nonitor, organize several specialized services in order to offer help to deal with different problcns fron different departments, by aeoting the xital and essontial needa of our precinus cllents and customers.

